Tax Help Archives  
Pub. 553, Highlights of 2004 Tax Changes 2004 Tax Year


This is archived information that pertains only to the 2004 Tax Year. If you
are looking for information for the current tax year, go to the Tax Prep Help Area.


Additional child tax credit, Additional Child Tax Credit Expanded
Alternative minimum tax, Alternative Minimum Tax Foreign Tax Credit (AMTFTC) 90% Limit Repealed
Archer medical savings accounts (MSAs), Archer Medical Savings Accounts (MSAs) Extended
Assistance (see Tax help)


Bona fide residence, Bona fide residence.


Carryback/carryover of foreign tax credit, Foreign Tax Credit—Modified Carryback and Carryover Periods
Depreciation, Depreciation limits on passenger automobiles.
Donations of, Charitable Contributions of Cars, Boats, and Aircraft, Acknowledgement Required for Car Donations
Standard mileage rate, Standard Mileage Rate
Catch-up contributions, Catch-up contributions., Catch-up contributions.
Charitable contributions, Charitable Contributions of Property Over $500,000, Corporate Contributions of Property Over $5,000 (see Contributions, charitable)
Charitable contributions:
Intellectual property, Charitable Contributions of Patents and Other Intellectual Property
Patents, Charitable Contributions of Patents and Other Intellectual Property
Child and dependent care credit, Credit for Child and Dependent Care Expenses for 2002 and 2003
Child care credit, Credit for Child and Dependent Care Expenses for 2002 and 2003
Child tax credit, Additional Child Tax Credit Expanded
Child's investment income, Investment Income of Child Under Age 14
Child, uniform definition of, Uniform Definition of a Qualifying Child
Clean-fuel vehicles, Electric and Clean-Fuel Vehicles
Combat pay:
Child tax credit, Additional Child Tax Credit Expanded
Dependent care benefits, Dependent Care Benefits
Earned income credit, Nontaxable combat pay election.
Comments on publication, Comments and suggestions.
Contributions, charitable:
Boats, Charitable Contributions of Cars, Boats, and Aircraft
By corporations, Corporate Contributions of Computer Technology and Equipment
Cars, Charitable Contributions of Cars, Boats, and Aircraft
Computers, Corporate Contributions of Computer Technology and Equipment
Intellectual property, Charitable Contributions of Patents and Other Intellectual Property
Patents, Charitable Contributions of Patents and Other Intellectual Property
Planes, Charitable Contributions of Cars, Boats, and Aircraft
Tsunami relief, Contributions for Relief of Tsunami Victims, Contributions for Relief of Tsunami Victims
Child care, Credit for Child and Dependent Care Expenses for 2002 and 2003
Child tax, Additional Child Tax Credit Expanded
Earned income, Earned Income Credit Amounts Increased, Earned Income Credit (EIC) Amounts Increase
Health coverage, Health Coverage Tax Credit
Low sulfur diesel, Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel Credit
Renewable energy and refined coal, Credit for Electricity and Refined Coal Produced From Qualified Energy
Research, Extension of Research Credit
Welfare-to-work, Work Opportunity Credit and Welfare-to-Work Credit Have Been Extended
Work opportunity, Work Opportunity Credit and Welfare-to-Work Credit Have Been Extended


Earned income credit, Earned Income Credit Amounts Increased, Earned Income Credit (EIC), Earned Income Credit (EIC) Amounts Increase
Education benefits:
Education savings bonds, Income Limits Increased for Reduction of Education Savings Bond Exclusion
Hope credit, Income Limits Increased for Hope and Lifetime Learning Credits
Lifetime learning credit, Income Limits Increased for Hope and Lifetime Learning Credits
Qualified tuition programs, Distributions From Privately- Sponsored Qualified Tuition Programs (QTPs) May Be Tax Free
Student loan interest, Student Loan Interest Deduction
Student loan repayment, Student Loan Repayment Assistance May Be Tax Free
Tuition and fees deduction, Tuition and Fees Deduction
Education savings bonds, Income Limits Increased for Reduction of Education Savings Bond Exclusion
Educators, Educator Expenses Deduction Extended
Elective deferrals, Elective Deferrals (401(k) Plans), Elective Deferral (SARSEPs) Limit
Electric vehicles:
Credit, Electric and Clean-Fuel Vehicles
Deduction, Electric and Clean-Fuel Vehicles
Depreciation limits, Depreciation limits on electric vehicles.
Employee stock options, Employment Taxes on Employee Stock Options
Empowerment zone business stock, Section 1202 Exclusion Increased for Gain from Empowerment Zone Business Stock
Enterprise zone business stock, Section 1202 Exclusion Increased for Gain from Empowerment Zone Business Stock
Environmental cleanup costs, Environmental Cleanup Cost Deduction
Estimated tax payments, Adjusting your withholding or estimated tax payments for 2005.
Exempt organizations, car donations, Acknowledgement Required for Car Donations
Exemption amount, Exemption Amount Increased, Exemption Amount Increases
Expatriated entities and related persons, Minimum Taxable Income Limit for Expatriated Entities and Related Persons
Expatriated individuals, Expatriation of Individuals
Extraterritorial income exclusion, repeal of, Repeal of Extraterritorial Income Exclusion


Head of household filing status, Head of Household Filing Status
Health coverage tax credit, Health Coverage Tax Credit
Health savings accounts (HSAs), Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)
Help (see Tax help)
Hope credit, Income Limits Increased for Hope and Lifetime Learning Credits


Japan-U.S. tax treaty, Residents of Japan


U.S. possessions, U.S. Possessions Income

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