1997 Tax Help Archives  

We Changed Your Account

This is archived information that pertains only to the 1997 Tax Year. If you
are looking for information for the current tax year, go to the Tax Prep Help Area.

If you received a CP:21C notice titled: We Changed Your Account, it means the Internal Revenue Service changed the amount you owe as a result of correspondence you sent in.

The date the correspondence was sent in by you is usually contained in the last sentence on page 1 of your notice.

Please compare this notice with the correspondence you sent in. If you have questions about the changes we made, call us at the toll free number listed on your notice.

The notice CP:21C is usually sent when you do not owe any additional tax, but you may owe additional interest or penalty charges. If you do, the amount will be shown on your notice. This amount will not change if it is paid within 21 calendar days of the notice date. If paid later, there may be additional interest and penalty charges.

Please make your check or money order payable to the Internal Revenue Service. Write the primary social security number, tax year and form, and your telephone number on your payment and return it with the stub attached to your notice. Please use the envelope that was enclosed with your notice.

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