Internal Revenue Bulletins  

October 31, 1994

Internal Revenue Bulletin No. 1994-43

There are no links to the official documents for the years 1989 through 1995. The information below can only be used as help for further research, as there is not enough information here to rely on for official guidance. For that you need to obtain a copy of the complete document.


T.D. 8565
Final regulations under section 469 of the Code relate to the definition of "activity" for purposes of applying the limitations on passive activity losses and passive activity credits.

T.D. 8567
Final regulations under section 1363 of the Code relate to the recapture of LIFO benefits.

Announcement 94-124
World Family Corporation, Sandy, UT, no longer qualifies as an organization to which contributions are deductible under section 170 of the Code.


Announcement 94-125
A list is given of organizations now classified as private foundations.


Announcement 94-123
The Service is expanding use of Form 1040-V, Payment Voucher, so that payments may be processed more accurately and efficiently. Form 9282 is obsoleted.

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