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2004 Tax Year

Keyword: Tax Forms

This is archived information that pertains only to the 2004 Tax Year. If you
are looking for information for the current tax year, go to the Tax Prep Help Area.

How do I request a copy of my tax return for last year?

If you need an exact copy of a previously filed and processed return and all attachments (including Forms W-2), you must complete Form 4506 (PDF) , Request for Copy of Tax Return and mail it to the IRS address in the instructions along with a $39 fee for each tax year requested. Copies are generally available for returns filed in the current and past 6 years.

In cases where an exact copy of the return is not needed, tax return and transcripts may be ordered. The tax return transcript shows most line items contained on the return as it was originally filed, including any accompanying forms and schedules. In most cases, a tax return transcript will meet the requirements for lending institutions for mortgage verification purposes.

The transcript can be ordered by completing a Form 4506-T (PDF) or calling (800) 829-1040 and following the prompts in the recorded message. There is no charge for the transcript and you should receive it in 10 business days from the time we receive your request. Tax return transcripts are generally available for the current and past three years. If you need a statement of your tax account which shows changes that you or the IRS made after the original return was filed, you must request a "Tax Account Transcript". This transcript shows basic data including marital status, type of return filed, adjusted gross income, taxable income, payments and adjustments made on your account. Tax return and account transcripts are generally available for the current and past 3 years.

Form 4506-T can also be used to get proof from the IRS that you did not file a tax return for a particular tax year.

Forms can be downloaded at Forms & Pubs or ordered by calling (800) 829-1040.

Can I get copies of my prior year Forms W-2 from the IRS?

The quickest way to obtain a copy of a prior year Form W-2 (PDF) is through your employer. If that is not possible, you can order and pay for copies of your entire return (attachments include Form W-2) from IRS, or order W-2 information at no charge from IRS. IRS can provide W-2 information for up to 10 years. Information for the current year is generally not available until the year after it is filed with the IRS. For example, W-2 information for 2003, filed in 2004, will be available from IRS until 2005.

To receive a copy of your return or transcript, complete and mail Form 4506 (PDF), Request for Copy of Tax Return or Form 4506-T (PDF) Request for Transcript of Tax Return. You should allow 60 calendar days for a response.

1.8 IRS Procedures: Forms & Publications

How do I obtain forms (including prior year) and publications not available on your site?

By phone: Call (800) 829-3676 (available M-F 7:00 am - 10:00 pm).

4.3 Interest/Dividends/Other Types of Income: 1099–MISC, Independent Contractors, and Self-employed

I received a Form 1099-MISC with an amount in box 7, (nonemployee compensation). What forms and schedules should be used to report income earned as an independent contractor?

Independent contractors report their income on Form 1040, Schedule C (PDF), Profit or Loss from Business (Sole Proprietorship), or you may qualify to use Form 1040, Schedule C-EZ (PDF), Net Profit from Business (Sole Proprietorship). You should also be aware of Form 1040, Schedule SE (PDF), Self-Employment Tax, which must be filed if net earnings from self-employment are $400 or more. This form is used to figure your social security and Medicare tax which is based on your net self-employment income. You may also need to file Form 2210, Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Individuals, Estates & Trusts, if you do not make estimated tax payments.

What, if any, quarterly forms must I file to report income as an independent contractor?

There are no quarterly income reporting requirements for Federal income tax purposes. However, because you will have no withholding taken from your income, you may need to make quarterly estimated tax payments. You use Form 1040-ES (PDF), Estimated Tax for Individuals.

You need to be aware that there may be state and local requirements for estimated tax payments. You can start looking for information at How to Contact Us. You may want to go to your state's individual Web site for additional information. To access the state you need go to our Alphabetical State Index.

10.1 Capital Gains, Losses/Sale of Home: Property (Basis, Sale of Home, etc.)

I sold my principal residence this year. What form do I need to file?

If you meet the ownership and use tests, you will generally only need to report the sale of your home if your gain is more than $250,000 ($500,000 if married filing a joint return). This means that during the 5-year period ending on the date of the sale, you must have:

  • Owned the home for at least 2 years (the ownership test), and
  • Lived in the home as your main home for at least 2 years (the use test).
  • If you owned and lived in the property as your main home for less than 2 years, you may still be able to claim an exclusion in some cases. The maximum amount you can exclude will be reduced. If you are required or choose to report a gain, it is reported on Form 1040, Schedule D (PDF), Capital Gains and Losses .

    If you were on qualified extended duty in the U.S. Armed Services or the Foreign Service you may suspend the five-year test period for up to 10 years. You are on qualified extended duty when:

  • At a duty station that is at least 50 miles from the residence sold, or
  • When residing under orders in government housing, for more than 90 days or for an indefinite period.
  • This change applies to home sales after May 6, 1997. You may use this provision for only one property at a time and one sale every two years.

    For additional information on selling your home, refer to Publication 523, Selling Your Home .

    11.4 Sale or Trade of Business, Depreciation, Rentals: Sales, Trades, Exchanges

    What form(s) do we need to fill out to report the sale of rental property?

    The gain or loss on the sale of rental property is reported on Form 4797 (PDF), Sale of Business Property. Form 1040, Schedule D (PDF), Capital Gains and Losses, is often used in conjunction with Form 4797. For further information, refer to Publication 544, Sales on Other Disposition of Assets,Publication 550, Investment Income and Expense, the Instructions to Form 4797 (PDF), Sale of Business Property, and the Instructions to Form 1040, Schedule D, Capital Gain and Losses.

    What forms do we file to report a loss on the sale of a rental property?

    The loss on the sale of rental property is reported on Form 4797 (PDF), (Sale of Business Property) as ordinary loss.

    12.9 Small Business/Self-Employed/Other Business : Starting or Ending a Business

    Which form do I use to file my business income tax return?

    To determine which form you should file for your business entity, select one of the following links:

  • Publication 541, Partnerships

  • Publication 542, Corporations

  • Publication 3402 (PDF), Tax Issues for LLCs

  • Publication 334, Tax Guide for Small Business

  • Entities: Sole Proprietor, Partnership, Limited Liability Company/Partnership (LLC/LLP), Corporation, Subchapter S Corporation

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