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2004 Tax Year

Keyword: Average Costs

This is archived information that pertains only to the 2004 Tax Year. If you
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How do I calculate the average basis for the sale of mutual fund shares?

In order to figure your gain or loss using an average basis, you must have acquired the shares at various times and prices and have left them on deposit in a managed account.

There are two average basis methods:

  • Single-category method, and
  • Double-category method.
  • Single-category method. First, add up the cost of all the shares you own in the mutual fund. Divide that result by the total number of shares you own. This gives you your average per share. Multiply that number by the number of shares sold.

    Double-category method. First, divide your shares into two categories, long-term and short-term. Then use the steps above to get an average basis for each category. The average basis for that category is then the basis of each share in the sale from that category.

    Once you elect to use an average basis method, you must continue to use it for all accounts in the same fund. You must clearly identify on your tax return the average basis method that you have elected to use. You do this identification by including "AVGB" in column (a) of Form 1040, Schedule D (PDF) .

    Refer to Publication 564 , Mutual Fund Distributions, Sales, Exchanges and Redemptions .

    If I used an average basis method for shares of one mutual fund I sold, do I have to use it for all mutual funds I sell?

    No, you may use a different method, as long as you have not used an average basis method for that fund previously. Once you have elected to use an average basis method to compute the gain or loss on shares in a mutual fund, you must use that same method for the sale of shares from any account in that same fund.

    How do I calculate the average cost method of a mutual fund if the fund price splits?

    If your mutual fund splits, or adjusts its price, it is treated like a stock split. Your total basis doesn't change after the split, but since you now own more shares without paying any more money, your per-share basis will decrease. To calculate your per-share basis, divide the total cost that you have invested in the fund (minus any shares previously sold) by the current number of shares that you hold.

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