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Publication 3991 2001 Tax Year

2002 Changes

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This is archived information that pertains only to the 2001 Tax Year. If you
are looking for information for the current tax year, go to the Tax Prep Help Area.

Nonaccrual-Experience Method

Under current law, if you perform services and use an accrual method of accounting, you do not accrue income which, based on experience, you expect to be uncollectible. Beginning in 2002, this rule only applies if you perform services in the fields of health, law, engineering, architecture, accounting, actuarial science, performing arts, and consulting, or your average annual gross receipts for the 3 prior tax years does not exceed $5,000,000. As under current law, the nonaccrual-experience method will not apply to amounts on which you charge interest or a late payment penalty. For more information, see Nonaccrual- Experience Method in chapter 11 of Publication 535, Business Expenses.

Issuance of Qualified Zone Academy Bonds

State and local governments issue qualified zone academy bonds to raise funds for the use of qualified zone academies. The amount of bonds that may be issued was limited to $400 million each year for 1998, 1999, 2000, and 2001. This provision has been extended to provide for an additional $400 million of bonds to be issued each year for 2002 and 2003. For more information about qualified zone academy bonds, see Publication 954, Tax Incentives for Empowerment Zones and Other Distressed Communities.


The suspension of the taxable income limit on percentage depletion from the marginal production of oil and natural gas that was scheduled to expire for tax years beginning after 2001 has been extended to tax years beginning before 2004. For more information on marginal production, see section 613A(c) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Work Opportunity Credit Expanded in New York Liberty Zone

The work opportunity credit is expanded to include a new targeted group consisting generally of employees who perform substantially all their services:

  • In the New York Liberty Zone (defined earlier under Tax Incentives for New York Liberty Zone, under 2001 Changes), or
  • Elsewhere in New York City for a business that relocated from the Liberty Zone due to the destruction or damage of its place of business by the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack.

The credit is available to employers for wages paid to new employees and existing employees for work performed during 2002 or 2003. Certain limits apply. For more information about the work opportunity credit, see Publication 954, Tax Incentives for Empowerment Zones and Other Distressed Communities.

Credit For Pension Plan Startup Costs

The credit for pension plan startup costs is now allowed for plans that become effective after December 31, 2001. Previously, the credit was only allowed for plans established after December 31, 2001. For more information on the credit, see Important Changes for 2002 in Publication 560, Retirement Plans for Small Business.

Welfare-to-Work Credit Extended

The welfare-to-work credit that was scheduled to expire for wages paid to individuals who began working for you after 2001 has been extended to include wages paid to qualified individuals who begin work for you in 2002 or 2003. For more information on the welfare-to-work credit, see Publication 954, Tax Incentives for Empowerment Zones and Other Distressed Communities.

Work Opportunity Credit Extended

The work opportunity credit that was scheduled to expire for wages paid to individuals who began working for you after 2001 has been extended to include wages paid to qualified individuals who begin work for you in 2002 or 2003. For more information about the work opportunity credit, see Publication 954, Tax Incentives for Empowerment Zones and Other Distressed Communities.

Electric and Clean-Fuel Vehicles

The maximum clean-fuel vehicle deduction and qualified electric vehicle credit were scheduled to be 25% lower for 2002 and both were scheduled to be phased out completely by 2005. The full deduction and credit are now allowed for qualified property placed in service in 2002 and 2003. The phaseout of the deduction and the credit will begin in 2004, and no deduction or credit will be allowed for property placed in service after 2006. For more information about electric and clean-fuel vehicles, see chapter 12 in Publication 535, Business Expenses.

Renewable Electricity Production Credit

The renewable electricity production credit is extended to include electricity produced by facilities placed in service after 2001 and before 2004.

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